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Causes of Yellow Teeth and How to Prevent it

Yellow teeth can be caused by several things. Conditions that can interfere with this appearance will be seen more clearly with age. Smoking habits, eating certain foods or drinks, as well as hygiene of teeth and mouth that are not maintained, can be the cause of yellow teeth. As we get older, the white enamel is thinner, so the yellow dentin layer is more visible. In addition, the food and drinks we consume daily can accelerate the discoloration of teeth to yellow. The content of chromogen or dyes in food and drink is one of the main causes of yellow teeth. This dye can cause stains on the tooth enamel layer. In addition to the chromogen content, the acidity of the food also affects the color of the teeth, because high levels of acid can erode the enamel layer.

What are the causes of yellow teeth?

Some of the things below can cause discoloration of the teeth, including the causes of yellow teeth.
  • Wine

  • This drink contains chromogen and tannins which have bad effects, especially as a trigger for tooth stains and causes yellow teeth.
  • Coffee and Tea

  • Coffee and black tea can also be the cause of yellow teeth because of their high chromogen content, coffee also has acidic properties so that it can damage teeth. If you like to consume tea and are afraid of its effects on your teeth, you can choose green tea that is clearer in color.
  • Carbonated drinks

  • Soft, soft drinks that are acidic and rich in chromogen make carbonated drinks very easy to turn yellow
  • Bright colored fruit

  • Fruits with very bright colors can leave stains on the teeth. Not only the fruit, processed foods from these fruits, such as juice or cakes, have the same potential. The fruits of this category include blueberries, tomatoes, blackberries, cranberries, cherries, grapes and
  • Candy

  • Various types of candy with artificial coloring are one of the causes of tooth stains, especially if consumed regularly. The sign of candy can leave stains is to see the color left on the tongue after we eat it.
  • Poor dental health

  • Not brushing teeth and not doing routine flossing, will make teeth more familiar with stains. Both of the above habits must be done, so that the rest of the food or drink that causes stains does not stay behind and stick to the teeth for a long time, so it becomes the cause of yellow teeth.
  • Smoke

  • Smoking can cause stains on teeth. Not only by sucking, chewing tobacco also has the same effect on teeth.

How to prevent?

Some ways to prevent yellow teeth below you can do to prevent the formation of stains on teeth.
  • Improve dental hygiene

  • Clean your teeth regularly, by brushing and flossing, after eating. Also, be sure to visit the dentist every six months.
  • Use a straw

  • Using a straw when consuming juice, carbonated drinks, and tea can reduce tooth stains. This way the drink can be swallowed immediately and minimal contact with teeth.
  • Gargle

  • Gargling is safer after eating than directly brushing your teeth. In addition to gargling, chewing gum without sugar can also be done so that stains do not last long in the teeth.
  • Reducing consumption of food and drinks that cause yellow teeth

  • It might be difficult to get rid of the habit of consuming food and drinks above, all at once. You can try to reduce consumption. For example, all this time you are accustomed to consuming carbohydrate drinks, then reduce it to once a week, is not too difficult, right? Likewise, smoking. Remember, reducing smoking will not only be good for oral health and teeth, but also for your heart and lungs.

Treatment Can Be Done

If tooth discoloration has occurred, the following actions can be performed.
  • Consult the dentist about the right technique when brushing and performing teeth
  • Avoid foods and drinks that can cause stains on teeth.
  • Perform the process of whitening teeth, both independently and with the help of a doctor.
  • Do a tooth staining or coating, at the dentist.
Maintain oral health by regularly cleaning it. In addition, to maintain healthy teeth and mouth, you also need to regularly check with your dentist every 6 months.
